Urban Sport

Urban Sport

Cities are your playground

Every year more and more of the world becomes urban. In fact by 2050 the UN says that about 70% of the world’s population will be living in urban environments.  As more buildings go up, more green spaces get taken away. So what can we do with the grey space that’s left behind?

UK Wallball leads the way in urban sport. Wallball is designed for inner-cities, in fact the 1-Wall variant is one of the prime urban sports right now. In New York, for example, there are over 2500 public courts in that city alone – a goal we’d like to emulate here.


We lead the way not just as an activity for the built environment, but also in terms of how the vision of urban sport develops in London (and hopefully around the UK).  We partnered with London Sport to create an Urban Sports Development Officer – the first of its kind – funded by the John Lyon’s Charity.


So we say challenge the “No Ball Games” culture.  Start using the urban environment for physical activity – play wallball against a wall (and let us know), perhaps you’d also like to do a bit of parkour, street-gym, 3-on-3 or skating.   The cities are our playgrounds.