In March of this year, ex-GB wallball captain Ady Lee (now living in Hong Kong) was invited to attend the WPP Stream Asia conference held in Phuket, Thailand. Stream represents a series of global conferences hosted by Sir Martin Sorrell (CEO of WPP) and Israeli investor Yossi Vardi and brings together some of the top brands together with media and advertising industry leaders to think about the digital future and what that means for communications, creativity and business. It has been named by WIRED as one of the world’s best tech conferences and operates under “un-conference” rules in that there is no set agenda prior to delegates arriving.
This may not seem a natural place for Wallball to appear but given the conference was attended by the top influencers in the Asia region, Ady decided this was as good a place as any to publicise the sport as well as potentially find someone working in the education sector who might be able to pick the sport up and roll out into schools.
Volunteers were invited on the first evening to take part in an “Ignite Talk”, 15 PowerPoint slides with each slide lasting 15 seconds before auto-advancing. This requires thorough knowledge of the slide material as well as a rehearsed, entertainment-like way to delivery content in front of 350 people.
You can watch Ady’s talk by clicking on the image at the top of this article.
Ady talking at the conference