World Rankings

Team GB men and women both currently have a world team ranking of December 2015


Current Top 10 Men’s Rankings:

  1. Puerto Rico
  2. USA
  3. Mexico
  4. Ecuador
  5. Great Britain
  6. Netherlands
  7. Belgium
  8. Spain
  9. Argentina
  10. Canada

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Current Top 10 Women’s Rankings:

  1. USA
  2. Puerto Rico
  3. Netherlands
  4. Ireland
  5. Spain
  6. Canada
  7. Great Britain
  8. Italy
  9. Ecuador
  10. Argentina


In addition to our players playing in Team events, many compete individually on the world stage.

Both GB Captains, Daniel Grant & Kerry White, are top world class players and Luke Thomson recently achieved the position of no.2 u23 player in the world, losing in the final of the 2012 World Championships u23 grade to Danny Torres of the USA. Over the past year the European ProTour has really taken off and Daniel Tristao and Daniel Grant are placed high up towards the top of the rankings. Indeed Grant was the European Player of the Year 2015. More information on the European Wallball ProTour Website.