New UCL Academy to Become Major Wallball Centre

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The brand new UCL Academy, currently being finished in Swiss Cottage, is to become a major wallball centre.  The academy is fully behind both the benefits and the accessibility of the sport and is looking to construct 3 indoor and several outdoor courts.  It is hoped the school will act as a venue for both domestic and international competition.

The UKWBA also plan to work with UCLA to run outreach programmes to other schools and the local community to get more people into sport and living healthily.  This is a direct contribution to the Olympic Legacy.  Qualified students from University College London’s volunteering department will aim to run sessions throughout the week.

The Academy will also play host to an adult session and become one of the Team GB training sites.

We are very pleased to be working with UCLA and are very excited about what the future might hold in store.

We expect to be opening the courts in the new year. You can find out more about the school here: UCL Academy Homepage
