
Lego Wall

Lego Wall

We always talk about building your own wall. Well, the Lego Wall is frickin awesome. Great for schools and pop-up venues – we LOVE this innovation.



Home to UK Wallball. Everyone Active’s Westway Centre was where it all started. Now there’s 7 indoor courts and 2 outdoor courts. The UK Open is currently held here every year and hosts some of the best players from around the world.

Leake Street

Leake Street

The Ultimate street art venue in London. Tons of awesome walls to hit your balls against, and you can even spray your own court. We love this place and think everyone should check it out!

Surrey Quays Shopping Centre

Surrey Quays Shopping Centre

Made in partnership with LLDC and UCL, this court is designed BY the community FOR the community. All those balls on the wall you can see have been created by kids at the school. Awesome.